Before you message us it's worth checking out our useful set of FAQs, which may help you find the answer quickly. If your question isn't listed, please don't hesitate to contact us using the details and form below.
Before you message us it's worth checking out our useful set of FAQs, which may help you find the answer quickly. If your question isn't listed, please don't hesitate to contact us using the details and form below.
Taylor's on the Green, Church Green, Keighley BD21 5HT
01535 603053
Opening times
Sunday - Thursday: 11.30am - 9pm
Friday - Saturday: 11.30am - 11pm
Food served
Sunday - Thursday: 12 noon - 7pm
Friday - Saturday: 12 noon - 8pm
Unfortunately we don't have a car park onsite. We do however have a pay and display car park right next to us.
Travelling by train?
We are located only one mile (about a 15 min walk) from Keighley Train Station, where the world-famous Keighley & Worth Valley Railway operates from.
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